Submission Information

Abstract Submissions

All abstracts must be submitted electronically via our abstraction submission portal. Abstracts submitted via email or any other method of communication will not be considered for inclusion in the program. 

Abstract Disclosure Statement

In order for your colleagues to properly evaluate the information, analysis, and opinions presented in your abstract, it is important that they be informed of potential conflicts of interest pertinent to the research submitted. Therefore, SFB requires all authors to provide any relevant information concerning personal or professional circumstances and relationships that might reasonably be expected to affect the author’s view on the subject. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Stock options or bond holdings in a for-profit corporation or self-directed pension plan
  • Research grants
  • Employment (full-time or part-time)
  • Ownership or partnership
  • Consulting fees or other remuneration (payment)
  • Non-remunerative positions of influence such as officer, board member, trustee or public spokesperson
  • Receipt of royalties
  • Speakers bureau

Disclosure information is collected on the online abstract form. Appropriate disclosure will be stated in the scientific program and the abstract volume. If you do not have anything to disclose, you must indicate this on the online abstract submission form. The disclosure information you provide will not influence the review of your abstract. Abstracts will not be reviewed without proper completion of the conflict of interest/disclosure section on the abstract submission form. Disclosure information for all authors is required upon abstract submission.


Keywords will be used for indexing purposes. Choose up to three keywords from the list on the online abstract submission site. At least one keyword must be selected.


Content should be organized as follows:

  • Statement of purpose
  • Methods, materials and analytical procedures used
  • Summary of the results in sufficient detail to support conclusion
  • Conclusions reached (do not state "results will be discussed")
  • References to published literature

NOTE: Common reasons for abstract rejection are:

  • Poorly supported research hypothesis/objective/rationale
  • Experimental plan vague and/or not well documented/described
  • Insufficient data collected
  • Poor analysis of the data
  • Conclusions not supported by the results
  • Poor grammar/figures/tables


Abstracts submitted to categories within the BIOMATERIALS TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRY track (annotated with a *BTI* on the abstract category submission list) will be subject to loosened requirements.  In recognition that speakers from industry need to protect their intellectual property, it is understood that some technical details cannot be disclosed. “Biomaterials Technology in Industry” abstracts should:

  • Comply with the financial interest disclosures required of all authors;
  • Follow the standard abstract submission template, with allowable relaxation of the typically rigorous "methods" section, as appropriate to ensure that proprietary information is not compromised;
  • Summarize the information the author intends to convey during the session;
  • May be purposely vague in areas that concern proprietary information;
  • Not be commercially driven, and should not promote specific products, or make product claims.

NOTE: These sessions will be specifically delineated as distinct from the Scientific Program of the Annual Meeting with the loosened requirements articulated ubiquitously.

Acknowledgment of Receipt of Abstracts

Once your abstract has been completed, you will receive an e-mail acknowledgment to yourself and/or your co-authors from the online submission system. 


Submit only ONE abstract for each presentation; DO NOT submit multiple copies of the same abstract and DO NOT submit in masked format.

Online Revisions

You may revise your abstract until 11:59 p.m. EST on November 4, 2024. EST, by returning to the site and logging in again.

Abstract Withdrawals

If the abstract must be withdrawn, the SFB office must be notified in writing via e-mail at


Accepted abstracts will be published in the Transactions of the Society For Biomaterials, a referenced, copyrighted publication of the Society For Biomaterials.Under SFB copyright, authors are granted free use of SFB abstract content in other publications and abstract submissions, provided that such content is not substantially equivalent. Previously published materials may only be submitted with permission of the copyright holder, and must be properly referenced. The submitting author is responsible for securing any required copyright permissions.

Review Procedures

Submitted abstracts that provide a substantial contribution to the field of biomaterials and follow the published abstract submission instructions will be accepted for peer review. Reviewers will be selected by the Program Committee. Abstracts that do not meet the focus of the symposium or general session category as requested by the authors may be reassigned to another symposium or general session.


Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be e-mailed in January 2025. The final selection of abstracts for presentation and placement of accepted abstracts in the program format will be made by the Program Committee.