Rapid Fire Presenters

Rapid Fire Presenters have the unique opportunity to present a poster AND a short oral presentation. Those that commit to a rapid fire presentation are expected to present both portions, and cannot have one without the other. Please review the poster and oral presentation details below for rapid fire presentations.

Poster Format 

Each poster will have a display area of four (4) feet high by four (4) feet wide to display your materials.

You may display your information in figures, tables, text, photographs, etc. Please prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to read at a distance of three (3) feet. A series of typewritten sheets attached to the poster board is not acceptable. Pushpins (thumb tacks) will be available to fasten your material to the poster board.

Poster numbers will be assigned in advance of the meeting, and will determine the poster session you present during.

Oral Presentation Format

Rapid Fire presenters will give a 5 minute oral presentation of their abstract. Q&A in Rapid Fire Sessions is broken up into two 5-minute slots. The first slot is after the first half of presentations, with the second Q&A slot will be after the second half. Presenters should be present for the full session to ensure they are able to answer questions from attendees. Rapid Fire presentations will be accompanied by a slide deck, utilizing the template provided by SFB. 

These guidelines are CRUCIAL in the creation of your presentation to prevent onsite issues with uploading, among other things. For example, presenters cannot use the program Keynote to create their slide deck.

SFB encourages, but does not require the use of the SFB Power Point Template for Rapid Fire Presentations. Please follow all requirements for technical paper presentations.  If you do not use the template in its entirety, we request that you please use the cover slide. 

For helpful hints on presenting your material, please review our Presenter Tips.

Presentation Upload Instructions (for Oral/Rapid-Fire presenters and any invited speakers only):

 All presenters MUST visit the Speaker Ready Room. The Speaker Ready Room is provided for presenters to prepare for an dupload their presentations prior to their scheduled session. All speakers MUST check into the Speaker Ready Room 4 hours prior to their presentation. 

Presentation upload instructions will be provided shortly!

Poster Set-Up

Poster setup will occur the morning of your scheduled Poster Session and MUST remain on display until the conclusion of the day’s events. Authors will be responsible for dismantling their poster. Any poster left on poster boards will be discarded. SFB assumes no responsibility for posters left on poster boards following the closing of the exhibit hall on the scheduled day. Additional information will be provided prior to the conference.

Throughout the meeting, it is crucial that poster tubes are NOT left in the Poster Hall. Tubes left on the floor or leaning on poster boards cause safety hazards for all attendees. Poster tubes left on the floor of the poster hall WILL be removed.

SFB might create a space for poster tube storage, but this will depend on space availability. Keeping your poster tube in your hotel room and out of the poster hall would be the safest place for all attendees.

Oral Presentation Set Up

Presentations can be uploaded in advance of the Annual Meeting, or onsite. A link will be provided to rapid fire presenters at least a month in advance of the meeting. Rapid Fire presenters must stop by the Speaker Ready Room at least 4 hours prior to their presentation time to ensure that their presentation is uploaded fully and correctly.

Poster Presentations

It is important for you to be present at your poster during your assigned Poster Session time to answer questions and discuss issues on your research with meeting attendees. The specific times that we have designated for you to be with your poster in the exhibit hall at the Hilton Chicago are as follows: 

Opening reception in Exhibit Hall

Poster Session 1 

Poster Session 2 and Exhibit Reception

Poster Session 3

Oral Presentations

Presenters will be introduced by a moderator prior to their presentation. Rapid Fire presenters should seat themselves at the front of the session room and be present for the entire session to ensure that they are ready to present, especially in the case that your session runs ahead of schedule or any last minute changes to the schedule need to be made.

Phonetic pronunciation of your name should have already been provided to the SFB team during the abstract application process. If you did not provide the phonetic pronunciation of your name, be sure to connect with your moderator in advance of your session to ensure your name is correctly pronounced.

Please be courteous of all presenters and attendees when presenting and answering questions.

Meeting Registration and Hotel:

Please note that all presenters are expected to register and pay their registration fees.
As an abstract submitter, you receive a $25 credit when you register for the meeting. The unique code will be sent with your acceptance notification email. 

SFB has negotiated a special room block specifically for our event attendees. All conference attendees should make every effort to stay at the official event hotel. Supporting the official hotel room block provides staff support to resolve hotel reservation disputes; ensures attendees receive all applicable discounts and materials; and, assists SFB in maintaining affordable, quality programming. 

Hotel reservation link will be provided shortly!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the SFB Meetings Department at info@biomaterials.org.