Session Organizers and Moderators

We hope you are looking forward to your participation as a moderator at the upcoming Society For Biomaterials 2025 Annual Meeting & Exposition!


All moderators are expected to register for the meeting and pay for the associated meeting fees. Check back late Fall 2024 for additional registration infromation!

Session Details / Flow of Session

The session details, including the abstract presentations in your session if there are any, are listed on the congress’ program pages. All of the speakers’ presentations will be streamed continuously, followed by a live, moderated Q&A portion unless otherwise stated.


The Society For Biomaterials thanks you for participating as a session moderator for a Rapid Fire Session at the Annual Meeting. Moderators are important to the success of the meeting by helping to make sessions run smoothly, on time and with appropriate technical discussions after presentations.

RAPID FIRE FORMAT –  These sessions consist of five 5-minute presentations, followed by a 5-minute Q&A, then another block of five with a 5-minute Q&A. The presenters will also present a poster during the meeting. 

Please use the following guidelines during your session:

1. Begin Session on Time!!!

2. Remind attendees and presenters to turn off cell phones, pagers, etc…

3. Introduce talks by presenter name and affiliation (it is not necessary to read the title of the talk). Ensure that you have the phonetic pronunciation of the presenter's name. 

4. If there are no questions from the audience, moderators may want to have a question or two ready for the speaker.

5. If the speaker talks more than his or her allotted time for his presentation (minus the time allotted for Q & A), please stand up beside the presenter and be prepared to stop presenter in time to begin the next talk on time.

6. If a speaker does not show-up for scheduled presentation, DO NOT skip to the next speaker or;

a. Moderators may use time to stimulate discussions of previous talks

b. or take a brief break and begin subsequent talk at correct/published time

7. At the end of the session, please thank presenters and audience members